Textbook Adoptions

Section: III. STSV - 111
Approved By: Dr. Ivan Harrell, 11, 6/25/19
Last Review: 6/25/19
Last Revision: 6/25/19
Prior Revisions: none
Initial Adoption: 11/20/07


1)     To the maximum extent practicable, Tacoma Community College shall provide the following information to students during class registration by displaying it in the online class schedule or by providing a link that connects to the bookstore’s web site or other web site where students can search and view:

a)     The cost of any required textbook or other class materials;

b)     Whether a class uses open educational resources; and

c)      Whether a class uses low-cost required instructional materials.

2)     If a class’s required textbooks and class materials are not determined prior to registration due to an unassigned faculty member, the textbooks’ and class materials’ cost must be provided as soon as feasible after a faculty member is assigned.

3)     Tacoma Community College shall report to the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges which classes provided textbooks’ and class materials’ cost to students during class registration, and what percent of total classes this equaled.


Textbooks and class materials are an integral part of the college learning environment and represent a large investment by students and the college. The Washington State Legislature also recognizes the high cost of textbooks and the burden this can create for students and therefore seeks to incentivize faculty to use open educational resources as well as inform students of a textbook’s cost when they register for a class (RCW 28B.50.789 – Online course descriptions – Required materials’ cost information – Reports, 2018). The purpose of this policy is to clarify and streamline textbook adoptions at TCC and to better inform students of textbook options, including OER, and costs during registration.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to the benefit of Tacoma Community College students in addition to all persons authorized to review, select, order, or sell textbooks and class materials, including instructional administrators and departments, professors, administrative support staff, and campus bookstore staff.


RCW 28B.50.789 – Online course descriptions – Required materials’ cost information – Reports, 2018

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, "7 Things You Should Know About Open Educational Resources," 2010.


ctcLink. Name for the PeopleSoft ERP (Enterprise Resource Platform) project for the Washington community and technical college system.

Low-cost class: A class that meets the SBCTC coding guidelines for a Low-Cost Course. See SBCTC coding and reporting guidelines for specifics.

OER: Open educational resources (OER) are any resources, including openly licensed, open access, public domain, and/or library resources, available at no cost that can be used for teaching, learning, or research. The term can include textbooks, class readings, and other learning content (Adapted from EDUCAUSE, 2010)

OER class: A class that meets the SBCTC coding guidelines for an OER Course. See SBCTC coding and reporting guidelines for specifics.

Textbook Adoptions. The mechanism used between instructional departments, professors, and the campus bookstore to make available required and optional materials for students to purchase.



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