Tuition and Fee Waivers

Section: III.  STSV - 216
Approved By: Dr. Pamela Transue, 1/28/04
Last Review: June 2011
Last Revision: June 14, 2006
Prior Revisions: Jan. 28, 2004
Initial Adoption: Unknown


Discretionary Tuition and Fee Waivers

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for High School Completion
The Board waives 75 percent of tuition for resident High School Completion students pursuant to RCW 28B.15.520 and WAC 131-28-028.  (See also nonresident waiver)

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Needy and Disadvantaged Students (TCC Waiver and High School Tuition Waiver Scholarship)
The Board waives tuition for students who qualify as needy or disadvantaged pursuant to RCW 28B.15.740.

Nonresidential Differential Waivers

Waiver of Nonresident operating fee differential for U.S. Citizens and INS permanent residents

The Board waives the nonresident operating fee differential; not building fee differential for U.S. Citizens and INS permanent residents pursuant to RCW 28B.15.915.

Waiver of Nonresident Differential for International Student Exchange
The Board waives the nonresident tuition fees differential for international exchange students pursuant to RCW 28B.15.527.

Waiver of Nonresident Differential for Nonresident Refugees
The Board waives nonresident differential for tuition and establishes tuition at 125 percent of resident operating fee and 100 percent of services and activities and building fees for nonresident refugees, spouses and dependents, pursuant to RCW 28B.15.014 and WAC 131-28-028.

Space Available Waivers

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Senior Citizens taking classes for credit
The Board waives 70 percent of tuition on a space-available basis for students who qualify as senior citizens pursuant to RCW 28B.15.540 (1), which states 60 years or older, limited to two courses per quarter, not FTE generating and not for students intending to use credits for increasing credentials or salary increases.

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Senior Citizens Auditing classes
The Board waives tuition and establishes a fee not to exceed $5 per quarter on a space-available basis for students who qualify as senior citizens pursuant to RCW 28B.15.540(2), which states 60 years or older, limited to two courses per quarter, and not FTE generating.

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for State Employees

State employees may register for a maximum of two classes (up to ten credits total) on the sixth (6th) day of the quarter on a space available basis for a cost of $5.00, plus fees per class pursuant to 28B.15.558 plus SSB-5189 (Chapter 160 Laws of 2003).

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Long-Term Unemployed
The Board of Trustees waives tuition for eligible long-term unemployed persons.  Students are generally limited to enrollment in the SPRUCE program for two quarters, with no more than 50 students per quarter on a space available basis, pursuant to RCW 28B.15.522.

Upgraded Course-Based Fee Reduction Programs

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language, and GED Preparation

Pursuant to WAC 131-28-026(4)(a), the charge is $25.00 per student per quarter.  The college may waive the $25.00 charge for students who are unable to pay.


Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Concurrent Enrolled Students

The Board waives tuition and fees of students registering concurrently at another college in accordance with an approved articulation agreement pursuant to WAC 131.12.041.

Resident Classifications

In State High School Graduates

Tacoma Community College defines as resident status high school graduates who spent 75% of both junior and senior years in high school in state.  A student must enroll within six months of high school graduation.  RCW 28B.15.012 (2) (d).

Undocumented High School Graduates

Undocumented Washington high school graduates who have lived in Washington for three years immediately prior to receiving a high school diploma or equivalent, completed their senior year at a Washington high school and live continuously in Washington until admitted to college, will be granted resident status upon filing an affidavit to pursue permanent residency.  RCW 28B.15.012 (2) (e) plus HB-1079 (Chapter 095 Laws of 2003)

Active Duty Military and Dependents; Washington National Guard and dependants who live in Washington

Active duty military stationed in Washington, their spouses and dependents; Washington National Guard members; spouse or dependent of National Guard if residence is Washington; will be defined as residents.  RCW 28B.15.012 (2) (e) & (f)

Native American

Members of the following tribes qualify for resident status:  Colville, Chehalis, Hoh, Jamestown S’Kallam, Kalispel, Kootenai, Lower Elwha, Klallam, Lummi, Makah, Muckleshoot, Nez Perce, Nisqually, Nooksack, Port Gamble S’Klallam, Puyallup, Quileute, Quinault, Salish Kootenai, Sauk Suiattle, Shoalwater Bay, Skokomish, Snoqualmie, Spokane, Squaxin, Stillaguamish, Suquamish Tribe of Port Madison, Swinomish, Tulalip, Upper Skagit, Yakima, Coeur d’Alene, Umatilla, and Warm Spring.  RCW 28B.15.0131 and 28B.15.012.


Identifies Board approved waivers allowable in Washington State.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

All individuals registered for credit classes at Tacoma Community College.






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